STEM: A World Within


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: the four words that add dimension in almost every aspect of our daily, modern lives. With time, this academic discipline has evolved to become an integral part of today’s forward society. The disciplines of STEM largely revolve around what we think and what we do. For a large part, curiosity could be considered the sole driving force that has led to the vast number of developments in these fields. It could be said that every object in this world is a representative of all four disciplines that STEM comprises of.

The ultimate purpose of pursing STEM is the intention of creating an object that enables faster, more efficient growth for all. While allowing individuals to express their creativity in terms of linking theories and drawing conclusions, STEM also promotes the personality development of individuals by widening creative capabilities, enhancing application of ideas in real-life and in several thousand cases, providing an insight into their future. Further, a little more than 60% of all jobs have to do, in some way or the other, with the regular application of STEM-based ideas and concepts. These jobs also account for over 65% of the world’s economy, marginally ahead of the primary sectors of economies that are usually to do with intensive labour such as agriculture. However, with the arts gaining popularity among youth, the fields of STEM have experienced a slight decline in terms of workforce, which peaked during the immediate post-industrial revolution times.

Amongst the more recent developments in the fields of STEM is the use of robots to replace injured parts of the body, also known as ‘Prostheses’. While simple surgical introduction of ceramic bones has been around for a while now, prostheses has given people who lost limbs in unfortunate events a chance to feel using their limbs that have been replaced by synthetic silicon ones. ‘Our technology helps amputees to control an artificial limb, in much the same way as their own biological hand or arm, via the person’s own nerves and remaining muscles. This is a huge benefit for both the individual and to society,’ said Max Ortiz Catalan, industrial doctoral student at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. Robotics is a rather young field covered by the vast academic governance of STEM and is one that has the most potential for further development.

In all, while taking a look at the bigger picture, STEM is just as essential as any other field for the functioning of our world in harmony. And ultimately, it is just another means of making a life.

But it must not be forgotten that everything we do has a little bit of STEM in it.

– Bhavin Shah, Student-Dhirubhai Ambani International School, An iRobokid.

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